Thursday, April 14, 2011

Working Hard

It has been so great haveing great weather.  I have been out walking with the kids, they love it and I am getting the exercise I need.  I am feeling to good, but not seeeing the numbers on the scales going down.  I am hoping that as I keep up my workouts that I will eventually see the numbers decreasing. 
I have also noticed that when I have sugar (chocolate) or anything sweet, I feel ucky.  So I have gotten stocked up on frozen fruit, and it just tates so much better, and I do not feel guilty. 

~ Sarah

Scales I signed up my husband for this and thought he would do it but he hasn't even weighed himself or done anything so I guess he never started and can't track anything since he won't cooperate. I just took Sexy Beast off since I added him. Men!

Anway, we found out our bathroom scale was wrong by like 10 - 25 lbs or so for me and like 15 - 35 for him but it changes every time we step on it. So I'm not sure what to do now since I don't know my starting weight or tracking.

If you guys do this again, let me know and we'll start fresh with a new scale that doesn't lie to us. Otherwise I could keep trying on the old scale. Yesterday it said I was  145 but I haven't changed a jean size or anything. I could win, but I don't think it is right or fair. Sorry guys!

NewSkinnyMe(Caralee and Jon)

Thursday, April 7, 2011

What is my problem!?

Okay I have been doing great and today I just fell off the wagon! I feel awful! What is my problem? I think that weighing everyday is discouraging me because if I do not see daily progress I just give up. My solution is to weigh only on Mondays. I am a feared for this weeks weigh in! ~Barbell Babe


You know maybe I should stay sick, I am losing weight.  But I would like to feel better too.   Being sick has some advantages, you are not hungry and don't want to bother with making anything, so you just drink lots of fluids.  Everything you see looks gross, and coughing your guts up is so very attractive. 

~ Sarah

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


You are on!!!!  How about raising the stakes, if you loose you buy me dinner. If I lose I buy you dinner.  And not a fast food place with the dollar menu!!  I will want steak and lobster!!



K I am a huge slacker and it shows! :( ....but you all better watch yourself because it is officially ON! I have some mulah to win back and an Alias to live up to. I Worked out FINALLY today, eating better than ever, FINALLY.  Good luck to us this week. :) Heres to smaller numbers in the coming week. Except for SKINNYNEWME and PBMAX...Yup your going down! :)
~Fit n Foxy <3

Monday, April 4, 2011


My gosh, I have stuck to my diet this week, except when we went to Tucano's and only lost one measly pound.  But have noticed that I am loosing inches like crazy.  I am hoping that I will loose tons this coming week.  This weight is comming off one way or another!!

~ Sarah


I was nervous about stepping on the scale today but was pleasantly suprised to find out I lost almost 5 lbs!! Even when we all went to Tucanos and didn't work out this weekend! I guess I will stay with the workout program and go back on my diet today! YAY!


Saturday, April 2, 2011


Alright we all sucked it up last week with posting our pictures! Make sure your post your proof this Monday.(This is just to keep you safe from yourself :) Good luck to all for the rest of this week! Be good and work hard!


Was doing great, until last night.  Went to Tucano's in Provo with the syblings.  Was so worth cheating, everything was fabulouse.  Will have to work out extra today, just to make myself feel better. 
~ Sarah

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Doing totally awsome.  Spouse on the other hand is having a hard time with it.  Having those hunger cravings, and cannot seem to stay with the program.  Me on the other hand am finding it hard to finish a small meal.  But I am feeling so much better, and not so grumpy. 
Today actually starting to feel better, more energy, not picturing the next thing I am going to eat. :)  So weird that we allow ourselves to put all this crap into our bodies to continually feel gross ALL the time! I love that we are all doing this together, we are going to be some hot tamale's soon enough! ;)

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Off to a Slow Start.....

But now I am hot on all your trials.  Good luck to you all.  There's a saying:  "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels!"    Its my new moto for the next 8 plus weeks.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Doing great!!!

Today was great, went for a walk, drank lots of water, ran up and down the stairs a few times, had a small meal, and am totally full.  Hope it continues till tomorrow!!  Hope the rest of you are not sitting there eating  Twinkies, or I am going to WIN!!!

I want to know...

Are you all working out and dieting? Any special programs? Let me know your thoughts! :-)

Monday, March 28, 2011

This is IT!

Well its official, no getting out now. Looks like I'm going to actually have to be accountable for my eating! I'm already trying to get out of working out this morning. I am so excited to do this with all of you! I have alot to learn and alot to overcome so hopefully this will help lead me in the direction. Good luck to us DOWN THE TWINKIE! ;)

Sunday, March 27, 2011


It is so hard to loose weight when your spouse is bringing in goodies, or they are eating something that is very appealing to you.  Chocolate is my weakness, and I try to hide it, but then the spouse or kids find it, then all falls out the window.  I have found that fruit, frozen or fresh, seems to do a much better job and I am not eating the whole thing.  1 cup seems to do the trick for me.  I have also found that drinking lots, and lots, and lots, and lots, and oh did I mention lots of water helps me stay full.  When meal time comes around, I find that I am not eating as much.  We are all on our way to looking great in that yellow pock-a-dot bikini!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Weight Loss Challenge

First Weigh-in: March 28th, 2011
Final Weigh-in: May 30th, 2011

Enter weights in the Weight Tracker.

Weigh-ins are every Monday. You must post a picture of your scale while you are standing on it for proof.
  (Please enter your goal weight as well.)
Pay-in:  $10.00 (to let everyone know you're serious about the challenge and to sweeten the cash pot for the winners) 

Each week:
  • Lose: Pay nothing
  • Stay the Same: Pay $5.00
  • Gain: Pay $10.00

1st place loser wins 70% of the cash pot.
2nd place loser wins 30% of the cash pot.
Winners are determined by total % of body weight lost.